August 23, 2018

So, I will be the first to admit brain works in mysterious ways...When it works that is!!  I was sitting on my be looking out my window not thinking of anything really when somehow my mind made it's way to this revelation!!  Now....I'm not an expert on Anything religious...I have read the bible but that was like decades ago...I went to Sunday School and Church but again decades was in the 70's so maybe more than a couple decades but I digress.

I really don't know what started me on the path that ended with this but I thought it was good enough to share...and even though no one reads my blogs...I'm gonna share it with you anyway!! :)

Ok, as most people know Lucifer (the Devil, Beelzebub, Morning Star, etc) is a Fallen Angel, he was close to God but he argued with him and was banished from Heaven and he created Hell or was sent into Hell (there are soooo many theories...go search for yourself if this is really important to you) suffice to say...he's in Hell.

So WHY was the Devil banished from Heaven? Apparently he argued with God about how God put "Man" (aka Humans) ahead of Angels. Lucifer felt that Angels were better and should be higher on God's Fav list...God didn't agree.

Following so far? is where my brain path ended up...If Luci felt that Angels were better than Man...we have to assume Man had already been created and probably had been around long enough to piss some angles off..(probably didn't actually take too long) Which means.....dramatic pause....the Devil DID NOT create Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual/Trans-Gender/ or all the others....They were here BEFORE there even was a Devil!!!! Cause we all know that as soon as there was "man" there was some same sex..well Sex going on!! For goodness sake...when there were only 2 people (Adam & Eve) they were causing problems.

So, next time someone tells you that being part of the LGBTQQIP2SAA is the Devils look them in the eye and say that God created you....cause the Devil didn't exist at the beginning!!

February 18, 2014


Why do they even Bother keeping notes....seriously?!?!?!?!!

I have bad arthritis in my knees, a youth of major klutziness and major growth spurt (due to another idiot doctors major fuck-up, different story, different post) lately it's been getting Majorly fucking the point where I am in 24/7 agonizing pain...I can't sit, stand, lay down, can't walk...I can't even get up from my chair or the fucking toilet!!! It just HURTS!! And with the knees being so bad, it is putting my hips, shoulders, neck, arms and back all out of alignment and causes more pain.  Most days I just want to die so I don't have to deal with the pain...but I have kids that I need to stick around for!!

Anyway...I FINALLY got in to see my "knee" only took 3 1/2 months...quite a short wait really (how sad is that!!), so where was I?? Oh yeah, I Finally got in to see the doc, he sends me for xrays....just a quick trip to the hospital, get some pics done. This part I didn't mind as much. Then back to the office, another little wait in the over heated office.  I finally get into the little room with the doc and what happens...he mumbles something about how there isn't much change in my xrays....well he kinda says something like that. Then he starts to go on about how I'm too young for any knee surgery (I'm 47, 48 in 5 days) so I need to wait till I'm in my late 60's...

Let me clear this part up, cause it's one of the parts that Really, REALLY fucking pisses me off!! Right now, like I said I can't do just HURTS!!

January 19, 2014

Headlights...Too Bright??

What the hell is going on with Headlights these days????  Yes I Know the brighter the headlights the easier it is for the driver to see...makes total sense...and I really Want a set of those ultra bright, shows the whole world in front of my car lights....that is until I drive at night and have to deal with the traffic coming towards me!!!

Holy Flippin' Shit!!!  How do they expect us to be able to SEE???  It's like having needles pierce your eye balls with a nuclear blast of light following it up!!!  It has gotten so bad that I can no longer drive safely at night time.

Doesn't anyone out there realize how dangerous those bright lights are??  I live in British Columbia where we have Lots of curves...and really there is nothing worse than going around a curve in the dark and just when you reach the apex of the curve you get hit with the extra bright lights of some big truck coming towards can't see anything, the road disappears...your eyes close and you swear you are now heading straight into the oncoming traffic...add in our winter weather (blowing snow) and you actually ARE heading into oncoming traffic...

Soooo, big question...just how bright is the auto industry going to make these headlights?? And how long before they start noticing an increase of night time accidents??

December 05, 2013

Something to Reflect on

News Flash!!!

If you wear Dark clothes at night...You Wont Be Seen!!!

If you just can't find the energy to put on something least walk on the fucking sidewalk!!

And if you are riding a bike...Find the fucking energy to put on something reflective!! It should be the a car we Have to have lights on...even during daylight hours....I'm sure it's not all that hard to put a fucking sticker on your bike to save your life!!!

October 06, 2013

Makes Sense To Me!!

So, quick question..

if there is no where in Canada where you can drive faster than 120 km/h WHY do they make vehicles that  can go over 200 km/h????  Wouldn't it just make sense to make sure no vehicle goes faster than 120 km/h??  

September 12, 2013

That Funny Stick On Your Steering Wheel!!!

Ok, let's take a couple of minutes to go over something here......


Yes, I am about to do my little rant on something as basic and easy as Turning Signals!!!

Seriously folks....What the fuck is the matter with you???  All you have to do is flip a little stick, it's even right there at hand level, connected to your steering wheel!!!  Maybe it's not the mechanics of flipping that switch that stymies everyone...maybe it's the logistics of how to use a turning signal??

So, lets start with the basics, because obviously that is where most drivers seem to fall behind.  Assuming most cars (in Canada anyway) are similar to my car, there is a narrow stick, usually on the left hand side of the steering wheel.  It can be flicked up or down, depending on which way you are planning on turning. (up for right, down for left).  So that's the mechanics!

The logistics, the theory, if you will, behind the turning signal, is a little bit more interactive.  To Properly use the signal, you must know which direction you will be turning...and this knowledge MUST be obtained at Least a couple blocks before you are to turn.  When you are a little more than a block (what...maybe 8 car lengths?? Give or take??) TURN ON YOUR FUCKING TURNING SIGNAL!!!!  Let the people behind you know that you plan on turning, and which way you are turning, so that they may plan their own driving!!!

And IF you are wanting to change lanes and there is alot of traffic....let me give you a little heads up...TURN YOUR FUCKING SIGNAL ON!! Cause you know what....doing so Informs the cars in the other lane that you want to move over!! And perhaps just Maybe someone (like me for instance) will slow down enough to let you in.  If nothing else at least they will be warned before you swerve in front of them.

For those of you who don't turn on your signal until there is already a clearing in traffic, you are causing a slowing of traffic in both lanes. And if you wait until you are already 1/2 way into the other lane before you turn on your signal, you should Lose Your Licence!!!!!

Seriously folks, the turning signals are NOT meant for You!! They are meant for all the other drivers out there....they are meant as communications for the SAFETY!! YES SAFETY!!! of all your fellow drivers on the roads!!

WHOA!!! Bet That made you stop and think huh!!! Yes...turning signals are for OTHERS!!! So, next time you get into your vehicle and your are driving down the road....TURN ON YOUR FUCKING TURNING SIGNAL!!!!

September 02, 2013


Ask anyone who knows me and I'm pretty sure the first thing they will say is I'm opinionated. Well opinionated and kinda cute. Actually my warped sense of humour is probably in there somewhere after opinions and before cute...ya Whatever!!!

Sooo, main idea to take from all that...I'm Opinionated....and as far as I'm concerned...I'm usually (aka always) Right!!! Seriously...if everyone would just listen to me, follow my suggestions this world would  run SOOOO much smoother!! Wars, global warming, crime, cheating on tests, etc.....all gone, all fixed.

My basic premise, the basis  of most of my simple "common sense"...probably the most endangered item Ever!!!  I am pretty convinced that it's down to less than 10 common sense holders left in the world!!! And that is being generous with my numbers!!!

I don't promise to post every day, every week or even every month!!  I don't promise any theme or continuousness, I don't even promise to make sense (or spell all words correctly).....and I am SOOOO NOT writing for anyone but myself....I DO hope that others will read and realise how brilliant I am....but I will settle for reading and forming their own opinion!! :)

Blah, blah, even I am getting bored with all this....welcome to my it..don't read it....what the fuck do I care....  :)